Privacy Policy

Privacy policy

At E-GAP Engineering S.r.l. in order to properly perform Our work, we collect and use information about You and therefore we are committed to protecting and respecting Your privacy. This Privacy Policy (hereinafter, the “Policy”), as set forth in Article 13 of the European Regulation No. 679/2016 (hereinafter, “GDPR” – General Data Protection Regulation), describes our rights with respect to the information collected that We process and the measures We take to protect Your data.

last update:june 2023

1.   Data Controller and useful definitions for informed reading

First of all, you should know that when we talk about “EGE”, “us”, “our”, or “we”, we are referring to E-GAP Engineering S.r.l. (VAT number 12149130960), in the person of its legal representative pro tempore, with  registered office in Via della Resistenza, 53 – 20090 Buccinasco (MI), a company that deals with the development, production and marketing of innovative products or services, of high technological value, for electric mobility in cities.

EGE is the “Data Controller”.

When we mention the “Customer” or “User”, we are referring to you as the recipient of our services.

When we refer to “Devices” or “Computers”, we mean any technological device connected to the Internet through which you interact with us.

When we refer to “Personal Data” or “Data”, we are referring both to data that you provide to us directly in connection with your use of our services and to data that is automatically collected relating to your interaction with our website.

When we refer to “Processing,” we refer to processing your Personal Data.

2.  Legal Basis of the Processing

As provided for in Article 6 of the GDPR, EGE processes your Personal Data only if there is a proper legal basis provided by the applicable law and for the achievement of specific purposes. In particular, the legal basis legitimising the Processing of Personal Data provided by you may be:

  • your express, free, specific, informed and unambiguous consent to the Processing;
  • the performance of a Contract to which you are a party or the performance of pre-contractual measures taken at your request;
  • the pursuit of our legitimate interests; or
  • to follow legal obligations.

You are under no obligation, either by law or by contract, to provide us with your Personal Data. However, failure to do so and/or failure to give your consent will make it impossible for us to perform the requested service, as it depends on knowing some of your Personal Data, such as your first and last name, e-mail address and telephone number.

Where the failure to provide certain Personal Data makes it impossible for us to provide certain services or to provide you with the information you request, the Data you must provide us with will be marked as mandatory (*Mandatory fields).

3. Data Processing

We receive and retain any Data you provide us in an informed, unambiguous, specific and unrestrained manner in connection with the services we offer you. You may choose to provide only some of the Data, but if you do, you may not be able to use some of our services.

Please note that all requested Data is necessary to enable us to provide the services or deliver the products only if you request them.

3.1. Automatic collection of certain Data

Personal Data that we automatically collect and use are:

  • your Internet Protocol (IP) address;
  • your computer, device and connection information, such as your device applications or browser type and version, operating system or time zone setting;
  • the telephone numbers you use to call us and your interaction with content on our website.

We use your personal information to send you direct marketing by e-mail if you have accepted this choice in the relevant contact form. You can opt out of receiving marketing communications when you wish. To find out more, please also read our Cookie Policy section.

3.2. What are the purposes of the Processing?

Personal Data will be collected and processed by us for the following purposes:

  • to receive and process your requests, to provide our products and services, and to communicate with you regarding products and services;
  • to provide you with assistance when you request it by contacting us via e-mail or telephone;
  • to tailor content and resources to your preferences;
  • to communicate with you and respond to your requests or questions by phone or e-mail;
  • to create, publish and improve the content that is most relevant to you and other customers;
  • to ensure that the content provided through our website is presented in the most effective way for you, based on your device;
  • to further develop the website and our systems to provide you with better service;
  • for marketing purposes (such as newsletters, sending information, market research, and satisfaction surveys) if you so wish and, therefore, with your explicit consent.

In any case, EGE is willing to clarify the specific legal basis that applies to the Processing, mainly whether the provision of Personal Data is a legal or contractual obligation or a requirement to entering into a contract.

3.3. Sharing Personal Data with third parties

We do not sell your Personal Data to third parties.

However, EGE may disclose your Data to its group companies or subsidiaries, which are subject either to this Policy or otherwise to procedures that provide similar protections to those described in this Policy.

Information may be disclosed to third parties to facilitate the efficient use of information and provide users with content and/or resources.

These third-party service providers only have access to Personal Data that is necessary for the performance of their activities, but they may not process the Data that come to their knowledge for any other purposes. In addition, these third-party providers must treat all Personal Data they acquire per this Privacy Policy and applicable laws.

In cases other than those listed above, your Personal Data will only be shared with third parties with your explicit consent, and you will have the opportunity to choose whether to allow further communications from third parties.

Your Data may then be processed by EGE’s technical service providers, in particular by:


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Matomo Audience profiling

3.4. Data transfer

We do not sell your Personal Data to third parties and process them primarily within the European Union.

We process your Personal Data primarily within the European Union. If Personal Data are transferred outside the European Union, we will ensure that they are transferred following this Policy and applicable regulations and to a country that provides a level of protection at least equivalent to that provided by the GDPR.

In the course of EGE’s development, we may sell or buy other companies or services. In this case, EGE is committed to ensuring the protection of your Personal Data and includes compliance with this Policy in the conditions of implementation of the planned transaction.

3.5. Data Security. Where Personal Data are stored and processed

We use high standards of security when processing your Data and we will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your Data are processed securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy and all persons who will be involved in processing your Data on our behalf have been trained, instructed and appointed by us to ensure that your privacy is respected.

As explained in the section “3.3 Sharing of Personal Data with Third Parties”, we do share your Data with third-party suppliers, contractors, or agents, but – even when we use them – the Personal Data still is under our control, and we ensure that it is adequately protected.

EGE has designed all systems through which your Personal Data is collected, stored, and processed to the highest security standards to ensure your privacy is respected. However, despite continuous updating, nothing is entirely impenetrable; therefore, we cannot guarantee the total security of its inviolability.

3.6. How long do we store your Data?

We retain your Personal Data for a period of time not exceeding that necessary for the purposes for which they have been collected and, in any case, not longer than 10 years from the termination of the contractual relationship, after which they will be irreversibly deleted or anonymized.

We need to retain your Data to enable you to use the services you have requested on an ongoing basis, but also for tax and accounting purposes or – subject to your consent – for marketing purposes.

We may also need to retain your Data for longer than the above if we are required to comply with legal obligations, to deal with any complaints or disputes, or to allow us to defend ourselves against possible claims relating to our contractual relationship, as well as to comply with the express provisions of this Policy.

3.7. Do we process your Data through an automated process?

EGE may process your Data through automated systems/processes and an automated decision-making process (such as profiling) to provide you and our Customers with the services requested in the best way possible.

For example, in order to implement the Services in the areas with the highest demand for our intervention, we may carry out an automated profiling process to identify the areas where we should focus our efforts.

4. Data processing of applications sent to EGE

All the provisions of this Policy also apply if you would like to work with us, either by using or by dedicated e-mail.

We retain the Data you send us with your application in order to assess compatibility with any job openings at EGE; however, without your consent to the Processing, we cannot consider any application and will not be allowed to contact you, conduct interviews or check the references you provide.

Depending on the job vacancy for which you are applying and depending on the different countries in which EGE operates, your Data may be transferred to other companies in the group who will, in any case, process your Data following this Policy and applicable law.

We may eventually use dedicated digital platforms and technology service providers who, with your consent, will be able to access your Data in order to manage the selection process of your application.

Without prejudice to the rights set out in paragraph 5 of this Policy, we will retain your application Data throughout the selection process and may, if unsuccessful, retain it for up to one year after the selection process has been completed.

In the context of our recruitment and depending on the job offer you apply for and the different countries in which EGE operates, your data may be transferred to other companies in the group, following our Policy.

5. Rights of the User

Pursuant articles 15-22 of the GDPR, to which we refer for further details, you are entitled to:

  • access and obtain a copy of your Personal Data;
  • request the update and/or rectification of your Personal Data;
  • request deletion of your Personal Data, e., benefit from the “right to be forgotten”; however, this right is subject to legal obligations that may require us to retain the Data;
  • obtain the restriction of the Processing of your Personal Data;
  • obtain the Personal Data you provide in a structured, commonly used and electronically readable format, so that we can transmit it to a different data processor if necessary;
  • object to the Processing.

To the extent that the Processing of Personal Data is based on your consent, you also have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. Withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of any Processing based on consent given prior to such withdrawal.

With regard to direct marketing and prospecting messages, you may at any time request that these communications be discontinued by unsubscribing, via the systematic link provided in these messages.

You may also lodge a complaint regarding the processing of your Personal Data with your local Data Protection Authority.

6. Changes to this Privacy Policy

Any material changes to this Policy will be made by posting a notice on our website or by contacting you through other channels.

Questions, comments and requests relating to this Policy are welcomed and should be addressed to E-GAP Engineering S.r.l. at the following e-mail address:


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